I’ve never been the subject of a press release before and certainly never expected to be called a potential writing ‘new talent’ in one.
No, not at all.
Now – a press release from the police saying: “Canberra man arrested for public drunkenness: claims ‘diplomatic immunity’ as ‘King of Glenlivetstan’” – that would be the sort of press release I’d expect to find my name in.
But the former has come to pass and it’s fair to say I am rather pleased. It is here, if you’re curious.
Eight Science Fiction or Fantasy stories have been chosen; three make it to publication. As you’d expect, I hope I make the top three, win the money and publication credit, and travel to Los Angeles for those great workshops Writers of the Future puts on for aspiring writers.

But if I don’t – well, at least I know my stories can stand up and stand up well in a field of many hundreds. After receiving 12 straight short story rejections since the start of the year, it’s the sort of thing that helps spur me to keep writing (on the other hand, being an obstreperous sort, the rejections spur me on also).
I also finished the first draft of my novel yesterday. I’ll talk more about that process in a separate piece, but the feeling was one of satisfaction mixed with a sense of good-lord-there’s-a-long-way-to-go-yet. The latter sentiment becoming more prominent today as I started editing.
In any case, sufficient to each day is the evil thereof, and for my sins today I’m a WotF Finalist. I’ll take it.
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