News: I’ve signed with legendary SF/F agent, John Jarrold

Somewhere in the fugue induced by the final stages of my doctorate – there’ve been times I’ve not been sure of the day or month I’m in – I acquired a new literary agent. And a damned good one, at that. Before he became an editor, John Jarrold ran SF/F imprint Orbit, set up Earthlight  (Simon & Shuster’s UK SF/F imprint), and has commissioned or represented some of the biggest names in genre. 

Back then, he acquired the first three books in the Wheel of Time series from Robert Jordan, and has worked with the likes of Tim Powers, Greg Bear, Harry Harrison, Ian McDonald, Guy Gavriel Clay, and Lois McMaster Bujold, to name just a few.

His current client list is also impressive, and includes Hannu Rajaniemi, author of the best-selling The Quantum Thief, and my mate Jeremy Szal, who recently scored a three-book deal with Gollancz. Anyway, I’m very pleased. The press release describing my novel (Thirty-Six Streets), which was the basis of John agreeing to represent me, is here: Australian SF Writer T. R. Napper Joins JJLA.


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