I’m very pleased to have found a second sale to the excellent Interzone magazine. The full title of the story is: An Advanced Guide to Successful Price-Fixing in Extra-terrestrial Betting Markets. It’s probably the weirdest one I’ve ever written, and I suspect has some echoes of Philip K Dick in it. It’s heartening that the editor, Andy Cox, seems to like my stuff (so far).
My previous sale to Interzone: Dark on a Darkling Earth, is available here in print, here at Amazon and here at Smashwords.
I’ve also sold a story to the new Australian Grimdark Magazine. It’s only had one issue so far, but has started strong with and interview with Joe Abercrombie and some very good fiction. I’ll be appearing in issue #2 in January 2015.
The story, The Line, is set in a dystopian Northern Australian mining camp where drugs and gambling are the only outlet for the workers in an otherwise rigidly controlled society. It was inspired by the poetry of Australian Coal Baron, Gina Rinehart.
The poem is available here. Called by one newspaper the ‘universe’s worst poem,’ you should read it if you’re after something both hilariously bad and (once you realise she’s the most influential person in Australia) utterly chilling.