Award Eligibility – Ditmars

Ditmar voting is open. For the uninitiated, the Ditmars are the annual peer-voted awards for Science Fiction and Fantasy in Australia.

What does peer-voted mean? Well, that you are either attending the National Convention (this year it is Conflux – in my home town of Canberra), or that you are ‘active in fandom’. What does that latter mean? As I understand it: you’ve been to a convention in Australia, are in a discussion group (online or live), interact regularly on social media, or simply if you’re an Australian reader of genre fiction.

Which is to say, it’s very broad. If you are new to voting in the Ditmars, feel free to nominate me as a ‘referee’ (this aspect will be clear once you’ve seen the voting form). Note that voting closes on August 13.

Okay, enough preamble. There are two works published last year that I am very proud of – if you’d read and enjoyed them, I’d appreciate your vote.

Novella/Novelette: “The Weight of the Air, the Weight of the World.”

This story first appeared in Neon Leviathan, and recently won the prestigious Aurealis Award (juried) for Best Science Fiction Novella.

Collected Work: “Neon Leviathan”

The stories thus far in my collection have been nominated for several awards and have won three, including two Aurealis Awards. The two new stories in the collection – “Jack’s Fine Dining” and “The Weight of the Air…” were both nominated for the Aurealis, with the latter – as already mentioned – winning. It’d be great to see the collection itself get a nod.

And that’s it. I hate shilling for myself, but as Hyman Roth says to Michael Corleone in the Godfather: II: “This is the business we’ve chosen.”

The voting form is here.

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